Created by a decision by Asbu General Assembly meeting in 1980, Arab news and programmes exchange centre is located in Algiers, and includes coordrination and technical staff in charge of a daily activity of coordinating, exhcnaging and ruling an exchane network gathering radio and television member organisations. Activity is dually being performed through stand and high quality networking systems around a multimedia satellite system MENOS and Digital system DTV as well, streghthened with a Cloud system through the internet from and to any city in the world, acting as an interactive passerel between and among world broadcasting unions and related organisations.
Born in 1963, Mohsine Karim Slimani has been elected at the ASBU General Assembly meeting in Tunis in 18 Decembre 2016 and took office on 15 January 2017. Graduated in 1986 with a high Degree in political sciences, he comes from Algerian Radio backing a long experience in the field of presentation and production of political programmes for many years, covering major events held in Algeria during the 1990s. He also had responsable functions dealing with editorial issues and Radio Stations, such as :